The Game of Life
Sunday's from 6:00-8:00pm
|Location will vary per week
This young adult/college age group will focus on discovering your unique path in your faith walk.
Time & Location
Sunday's from 6:00-8:00pm
Location will vary per week
About the event
Leaders: Pamela and Ben Nason
Assistant: Caleb Daigle
Group: Young Adults / College Age
Title: The Game of Life
Book: “Live, Love Lead: Your Best is Yet to Come” by Brian Houston
Description: Whether you are searching for your calling or whole heartedly pursuing your life’s purpose, LIVE, LOVE, LEAD, will help you navigate a faith path that is all your own and discover your unique gifts tailored perfectly for your journey.
Meeting Day: Sunday
Meeting Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Meeting Place: Outdoor walking trails, geocaching, Tim Horton’s playing games/puzzles